Annuncio - Announcement
To read the English translation of this message, please scroll down or use the search function of your browser to find the string "[ENG]".
D'ora in poi tutte le recensioni saranno sia in inglese che in italiano. Potrei decidere di tradurre anche le recensioni già pubblicate, ma non nascondo che la mole di lavoro mi spaventa. Se qualcuno vuole aiutarmi, contattatemi all'indirizzo e vi indicherò quale recensione tradurre. Se dimostrerete una padronanza dell'inglese uguale o superiore alla mia (non ci vuole molto) avrete tutto il tempo che vorrete per tradurre le altre recensioni, eccetto un paio che mi stanno a cuore. Come ringraziamento il vostro nome o nickname sarà ben visibile in tutto il blog e aggiungerò collegamenti ai vostri blog, siti o forum se ne avete.
Annunci come questo saranno molto rari in futuro, quindi prendo al volo questa occasione per ringraziare tutti quelli che hanno letto o leggeranno le mie recensioni. Se avete qualsiasi cosa da dire, lasciate un commento: ricordate che scrivo per voi, ogni richiesta sarà considerata seriamente.
From now on every review will be written both in Italian and English. Anyone interested will be able to jump straight to the English translation searching for the [ENG] "tag" you can see above. "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni" and "Speed Grapher" already have an English translation.
English reviews will follow the structure with some major differences: the sections "Enjoyment" and "Value" will be missing, because they force the reviewer to tell the reader what he should think, which is stupid. There will be instead three more sections, "Personal judgement", "Overview" and "Overall". The first is the one section where the reviewer can speak freely and subjectively about his experience with the anime, going on long tirades about how great it is or how much it sucks, what he felt watching it and other things nobody gives a damn about. The second section, "Overview", will be the first thing you'll see and will contain a rough overview of the anime - what it's about, the genre, things like that. "Overall" will be the last section in the review; it's a rating that reflects how good or bad the anime is objectively. It won't necessarily be an average of the other ratings, it will instead rate the anime as a single whole that can easily be much bigger or much smaller than the sum of its parts - although it usually isn't.
Finally, please note that 6/10 means "sufficient" and 5 is the first "insufficient" rating. 7 means "above average". This differes from where 5 means sufficient.
Thanks for the attention and thanks to anyone who will read my reviews. If you have anything to say, don't think twice before leaving a comment. I write reviews for you, any request you may want to propose will be considered seriously.
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